
Hello there! If you are into creating a beautiful and productive garden and fixing up furniture, you are in the right place. I share my before & after pictures, advice, and mistakes so you can create a bespoke life. Not perfect, but perfectly you. Let’s do this.

Adding Boneset to Your Garden

This year I planted boneset in my medicinal garden. Boneset has lovely lance-shaped leaves that appear to grow through the stem. The latin name is Eupatorium perfoliatum (as in perforated, like the leaves across the stem). It’s related to Joe-Pye…

Mirror Makeover

This is possibly the easiest makeover ever. It began with a text message from a friend. He wondered if I would like this mirror. Even though I wasn’t sure where I would put the mirror, I said yes. I promptly…

Coffee Table Makeover

I was lucky enough to get this coffee table from another Buy Nothing member. It came with scratches and drawings on it. The finish was worn in a few places as well. However, it was a very sturdy piece AND…

Garden Shed Landing with Repurposed Bricks

Garden Shed with Recycled Bricks

A member of my local Buy Nothing group posted garden pavers. Everything listed on Buy Nothing is free, so I jumped at the chance. I am always on the lookout for free materials I can reuse in the garden. When…